
TOP 10 Strangest Crossbreed Dogs


#4 Yorkipoo – Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle


photo: ilovekutyamutyaoldal.hupont.hu, 3milliondogs.com

This mix of Yorkshire terrier and Miniature Poodle is known by a variety of names, including the Yorkipoo, the Yo-Yopoo and the Yorkiedoodle. This crossbreed was originally produced to generate a toy dog with a hypoallergenic coat and free from genetic disorders. The fun-loving and people pleasing nature of this crossbreed can be credited for its fast rise in popularity. Yorkipoos are small but confident dogs, possessing great energy and a capacity for great attachment to their owners. Depending on which parent gene is stronger in the particular dog, different colored coats and a variety of markings, with straight or curly fur, can result. These small dogs make for excellent companion pets and family dogs (once they are suitably trained).

photo: www.vetstreet.com
